Traditional Immune Support

The immune system is a remarkable defence mechanism capable of protecting us from foreign invasion and consequent illness. As our body is exposed to foreign bodies the immune system learns to recognise and then defend against these entities. During this process we may develop mild symptoms such as a runny nose, mild fever, rashes, digestive upset and more.

To a certain extent these symptoms are quite normal and in fact a sign that their immune system is being challenged and developing normally. It is via contact with germs that the immune system learns how to mount an attack, develop a resistance and be stronger for the next time it encounters a foreign bug.

Under normal circumstances we should allow ourselves to go through this process with minimal interference. However, there are a number of things we can do to support the natural development of immunity.

What you can do to improve immunity

The fundamental principles of good health will ensure the immune system stays strong.

Healthy, clean diet

A diet rich in coloured vegetables, some fruit, quality proteins and fats will provide the building blocks for good health. Wherever possible chose organic foods to avoid excessive chemical exposure, and reduce or completely eliminate processed products such as refined grains, trans fats and excessive sugars.

Sleep more often and more deeply

Sleep is the time the body regenerates and this process is vital to immune function. Children need more sleep than adults, anywhere from 8 – 14 hours daily depending on their age. Good sleep practices include reducing excitatory activities before bed, getting to bed at the same time each night and keeping the room dark and free of any electrical devices. Many children respond well to a bedtime routine such as diner, bath, story time and bed.

Reduce stress

The body is equipped to deal with short term stress but if this is prolonged then one of the first systems to be compromised is the immune system.  Children can experience stress from a number of areas including school, family, friends, academic pressures, jobs, extracurricular activities, separation anxiety, as well as from internal thought processes. Close observation and discussion with children can often uncover any concerns, and when noticed steps can be taken to reduce any stress they may be experiencing. Similarly for parents, if you are feeling stressed children will feel this. Take steps to reduce the stress you experience and the whole family will benefit.

Spend time barefoot in nature, also called Earthing

Spending time outdoors is not just some hippy concept. Science has now confirmed that when we make contact with the bare ground our body absorbs free radical fighting chemicals which actually combat inflammation and toxin accumulation. In other words, this contact with the ground acts as a natural antioxidant, thereby reducing illness patterns and strengthening the body. Regular earthing has also been found to reduce pain, improve sleep, regulate cortisol levels, and improve immune cell production and more.

The other benefit of being outdoors is of course the sun. Skin exposure to ultraviolet rays triggers the production of vitamin D, an essential hormone-like vitamin required for immune function.

Reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation

Electromagnetic radiation is generated by the electrical devices present everywhere in our environment. These include electrical wiring in our homes, mobile phones, wireless internet, telephone and electricity towers, electrical devices such as microwaves, computers and televisions and artificial lighting.

These devices create electrical fields which interfere with the body’s own electrical field. This in turn disrupts many systems of the body including the immune system.

While we can-not escape exposure to this radiation we can greatly reduce the amount of exposure. Simple acts like turning devices off at the wall as much as possible, removing them from your bedroom (remember your body is regenerating during sleep) and getting outdoors (away from electrical devices and increasing earthing time) more often will help. You can also nullify some of the radiation and its effects with Himalayan salt lamps, mobile phone covers (made specifically to reduce radiation), earthing mats at the computer and particular indoor plants.

Specific foods and nutrients for immune function

The immune system requires a number of different nutrients to function optimally. Some of the primary nutrients and food sources include;

Vitamin C

We all know that vitamin C can help ward off and treat unwanted bugs. Vitamin C is present in many foods including parsley, blackcurrant, broccoli, pawpaw, peppers, rosehip, sweet potato, tomatoes and citrus. Aim to include lots of these foods in the diet every day.


Zinc is one of the most abundantly used minerals in the body, involved in over 200 enzyme reactions. It has anti-viral activity, assists wound healing, and maintains immune function and so much more. Like all minerals it requires strong stomach acid to be properly absorbed and I find that many people are actually deficient. Some of the best food sources for zinc include beef, pumpkin seeds, oysters, egg yolks, ginger and liver.

Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins A and D – all essential for immune function. The taste of cod liver oil is very fishy but fortunately the dosage required is quite small. Supplements are now available with peppermint or lemon natural additive to improve the taste.

Healthy bacteria

The body is rich in thousands of different types of bacteria, called probiotics. More and more research is confirming just how important this internal microbial balance is to our immune system. In our modern lifestyles this delicate balance is easily and frequently disrupted by the overuse of antibiotics and medications, poor gut function, a diet high in sugars and processed foods and stress! Traditional practices such as fermenting foods can help maintain this balance, or if necessary supplemental probiotics can restore numbers and hence improve immunity.

Grass fed beef

Grass-fed beef is very high in vitamins A and E, omega-3 fatty acids, beta carotene, zinc and conjugated linoleic acid CLA—a powerful immune system enhancer. It’s worth spending the extra bit of money on grass fed beef so ask your butcher next time. Even some organic beef can be raised on grains, and as this is not the natural food source for beef it does not confer these amazing health benefits.

Help for when we are feeling unwell


Mother Nature’s antibiotic, garlic is wonderful for killing off all sorts of unwanted viruses, bacteria and parasites. The antibiotic activity of garlic is quickly destroyed with heat, so the best way to eat it is as raw as possible. Try adding some minced garlic to a meal just before serving.


This common garden herb has been used for centuries for its remarkable immune activity. Not only is it antiviral and antibacterial, it also helps with releasing mucus, easing excessive coughing and calming the upper respiratory airways. You can brew it into a tea or add lots to your cooking.

Onion Syrup

One of my favourite home remedies is onion syrup. Made with unprocessed honey, garlic, onion and thyme, it works beautifully to soothe cold and flu symptoms. And don’t worry about the taste of onion; this syrup is surprisingly enjoyable and great for all the family. You can view my onion syrup recipe here.

Chicken Soup

Such a comforting and time honoured remedy. Chicken soup can be very healing and the secret to it is using the chicken bones and cooking for as long as possible. I have been preparing this recipe for years and the whole family love it. View the recipe here.  

Coconut oil

Coconut oil has gained much recognition recently for its healing properties. It is rich in lauric acid which strengthens the immune system and helps reduce numbers of unwanted pathogens within the body. Try having a teaspoon daily, either straight from the spoon or by making some delicious coconut snacks.

Bioactive honey

Known as the nectar of the Gods honey has been used for centuries for improving health and immunity. All honey that comes straight from the hive and has not been heated or processed in any way is naturally rich in many enzymes, antioxidants, mineral, vitamins and anti-bacterial agents. NOTE: honey is not recommended for children under 12 months of age or when there are known allergies.


Immune Building Chicken Soup


Herbs for Health Conditions