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Yvette Hart (B. Hlth. Sc)

Yvette is a Mother to three children and a degree qualified Naturopath trained in the classical art of holistic health and healing. Yvette has a down to earth approach to wellness and an ability to inspire and support her clients to make lasting and powerful health improvements.

With more than 12 years working with clients from all walks of life, Yvette is passionate about women’s wellbeing and supporting women through the stages of child birth, pre and post natal support.

Yvette’s story

I started my journey into health at nearly 13 years of age when I first experienced menstruation. Like most girls this was a big transition and my body underwent many changes, most of which I found unpleasant and challenging. Almost overnight I went from being a skinny little kid to a voluptuous teenager with soaring emotions and heightened feelings.

In the years leading up to this my birth family had broken down and tension and trauma were part of our daily life. When menarche arrived something in me was changed forever, as I suddenly realised that I had such power within me and that transformation was not only possible but inevitable.

From this point I became obsessed with everything around the human body, health and transformation.

I read every book I could get my hands on, tried all kinds of different diets and became obsessed with exercise. At 13 years old I was preparing all my own meals and eating differently to my family.

In hindsight of course, not all of this was great for my health. However, this laid the foundation on my path to becoming a Naturopath and gave me a deep understanding of the inner processes of health and wellness.

An even bigger life transformation was to come soon after this when at 19 years old I birthed my first child into the world. No-one could have foretold the effect this would have on me, for prior to this I was the driven, focused A-grade student on her way to becoming a doctor or lawyer, or something equally as (seemingly) prestigious.

On that day my first born gave me the greatest gift. His birth cracked my heart open so wide that I felt the experience of infinite, unexplainable love and joy.

From here there was no turning back. I knew that my true path was Motherhood, Love and connection with Mother Earth. Three intertwined branches of the same tree bound in an endless cycle of life.

The next 21 years were spent journeying through life, honing my skills as a therapist, diving deep into my own psyche and learning to feel my way through life. Finally, at 40 and 42 years old I birthed two more glorious children.

With 23 years between my oldest and youngest children I have come to understand so much about motherhood and transitions and how to navigate such. I feel blessed and grateful and called to share the wisdom that has landed within me.

My work here now is to support other women in their journey of health, wellness, Motherhood and connection to their heart.


The Formal Stuff:

Yvette completed the Bachelor of Health Science Naturopathy at Endeavour College of Natural Medicine ( formerly Australian College of Natural Medicine ), earning the award for Clinical Excellence in 2008.

Yvette has worked in a variety of clinical settings and has been active in the health community for more than twenty years. With expertise in herbal and nutritional medicine Yvette has lectured at ACNT, presented seminars for business groups, given public lectures, hosted workshops and learning events and writes health and wellness articles.

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Marianne Harold

Marianne is a qualified and experienced Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, Western Herbal Medicine practitioner and Lymphatic Drainage practitioner, with a clinical interest in Womens Health, in particular menopause. 

In 2020 she completed post graduate training in Womens Health with Dr Andrew Orr and is part of The Experts Group focusing on the health conditions of PCOS, Endometriosis and Infertility. 

Marianne has been in practice for over 12 years. She has also been teaching yoga, meditation and breath therapy for over 20 years. Marianne is passionate about wholistic medicine and the real improvements in health and wellbeing her clients can experience.

She understands that every person’s health needs an individual approach. She integrates the naturopathic healing principles with scientific research and functional testing, as well as mindfulness and lifestyle counselling, to help her clients achieve optimum health at every stage of life.

Her Journey:

I know from personal experience the improvement that diet, lifestyle, cleansing and emotional balance can make to overall health. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome due to adrenal imbalance in my late teens but the doctors at the time had no answers for me except to prescribe me oral contraception. Having grown up with a mother who was passionate about nutrition, this course of treatment did not feel right for me. I took up yoga and researched nutrition, but life took me travelling. Several years later when I wanted to conceive this proved a difficult time and I went down the road of drugs and IVF which was an emotional rollercoaster for me and ultimately unsuccessful. I was living overseas at the time and looked around for other option. I met a wonderful Chinese herbalist who helped me improve my overall health and subsequently to conceive.

I knew then that natural health in conjunction with emotional and mental balance was able to really make a difference to people’s lives. I decided that this was what I passionately wanted to study so I could pass healing information on to others.

Marianne completed an Advanced Diploma of Health Science Naturopathy at Endeavour College of Natural Medicine in 2008. She is currently undertaking study to complete her Bachelor of Health Science. Being committed to continued education; she regularly attends professional seminars in Australia to stay abreast of the latest integrative healthcare research, and recently was a co-author on a research paper regarding the use of the herb Fenugreek for ameliorating symptoms of Menopause.

Marianne is trained in both Hatha Yoga and the Vinyasa style of yoga and has an Advanced Diploma in Yoga Teaching. She initially studied through the British School of Yoga (1999) and then subsequently studied different styles of yoga with the International School of Yoga and Shiva Rea.

Marianne has run her own naturopathic clinic and has worked in other associated clinics since qualifying in 2008.


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