Principle of Naturopathy

We are often asked just what does a Naturopath do? It can be a little difficult to describe exactly what happens within the Naturopathic consultation because each and every person will present with a unique  set of circumstances. Hence the treatment process involved will ultimately be unique every time. This is in fact the true beauty of Naturopathic medicine – the individualisation of treatment protocols to suit the exact conditions of each client. It is this process that leads to effective, long lasting health improvement and vitality.

Having said that however, there are a set of principles that guide us through this process and which do apply to everyone.

Naturopathic Medicine Principles

1. Vis Medicatrix Naturae – The Healing Power of Nature

žNaturopathic medicine practitioners aim to identify and remove obstacles to healing and recovery, and to facilitate and augment the body’s inherent self-healing process (the Vital Force).

2. Tolle Causam – Identify and Treat the Causes

žRather than merely eliminate or suppress symptoms and signs of any illness pattern, Naturopathic medicine practitioners seek to identify and address the underlying causes of disease.

3. Primum Non-Nocere – First Do No Harm

Therapies that are implemented are as close as possible to their natural state. As a result, the possibility of adverse reactions or side effects is far less than with synthetic pharmaceutical drugs. Consideration is given to possible interactions between herbs and drugs, nutrients and drugs.

4. Docere – Doctor as Teacher 

Naturopathic medicine practitioners educate their clients and encourage self-responsibility for health. They also recognize and employ the therapeutic potential of the practitioner-client relationship.

5. Treat the Whole Person

žNaturopathic medicine practitioners treat the client by taking into consideration individual physical, emotional, mental, inherited, environmental, social and spiritual factors.

6. Prevention

žNaturopathic medicine practitioners emphasis the prevention of disease, assessing risk factors, heredity and susceptibility to disease, and making appropriate interventions in partnership with clients to prevent illness.


Nurturing Green Soup