Gynostemma (Jiaogulan) herb

The herb Gynostemma Pentaphyllum (or Jiaogulan) is a wonderful adaptogenic herb (adaptogens help our nervous system cope with stress) with so many benefits. It has been used by the Chinese for thousands of years and is known as the poor man’s ginseng, although the two herbs are not related. The leaves can be drunk as a tea, but a standardised extract (in liquid or capsule form) will increase the concentration of this herb’s beneficial compounds.
Gynostemma is used as a general tonic to support overall health, and as an adaptogen it supports the nervous and immune systems. Its antioxidant properties are enhanced when used in combination with other high-antioxidant herbs or nutrients.

Gynostemma is one of the organic herbs included in our Uplift infusion.

Benefits of Gynostemma / Jiaogulan include:

Blood sugar regulation – one of its starring roles is regulation of blood sugar. It contains constituents called saponins which stimulate AMPK (a regulator of glucose) and improve glycemic control in diabetic and obese patients.
In a сliniсаl triаl рubliѕhеd in thе Jоurnаl of Hоrmоnе аnd Mеtаbоliс Rеѕеаrсh in 2012, it was stated that rеѕеаrсhеrѕ gаvе 24 diаbеtеѕ раtiеntѕ 12 wееkѕ of treatment with еithеr Gynostemma tea or a рlасеbо. The results showed that thоѕе patients givеn the Gynostemma tea еxреriеnсеd an improvement in blооd ѕugаr lеvеlѕ and hormone (insulin) ѕеnѕitivitу after 12 weeks.
In addition, Gynostemma boosts transcription factor NRF2** (add link here) which increases antioxidant enzymes thereby reducing inflammation. This makes it a beautiful herb in the treatment and support of Type 2 Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

Weight loss support – by activating AMPK and making muscle cells more sensitive to insulin it improves fat burning. Other compounds in Gynostemma improve blood flow during exercise and may increase exercise capacity.

Heart health – this anti-hypertensive herb helps lipid metabolism & it reduces lipid levels. Other compounds in Gynostemma extract help to maintain healthy blood circulation, helping to keep the arteries free from plaquing which prevents arterial narrowing and therefore reducing risk factors for heart disease. In additional it redresses electrolyte imbalances which can place a strain on the cardiovascular system.

A boost to Liver function – by increasing circulation Gynostemma reduces liver fat accumulation as well as protecting liver cells from injury and/or death. The activation of AMPK also works in this instance by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation of the liver.
In a 2005 study {1} Jiaogulan was found to reduce liver fibrosis in patients with chronic Hepatits B infection.

Reducing allergies and asthma – Th2 immune system dominance contributes to seasonal allergies as well as asthma. Gynostemma supports Th1 immune cell production which reduces an overactivate Th2. This stabilises mast cells and reduces levels of histamine. The herb also reduces airway inflammation caused by Th2 cytokines while reducing the activation of inflammatory astrocytes.
There is a growing evidence that Gynostemma promotes efficient blood vessel dilation that helps reduce the symptoms of the wheezing and shortness of breath that occurs in asthma {2}. The antihistamine effect of Gynostemma also has an effect in reducing asthma symptoms.

Cellular protection & brain health – from this herb can support brain health which is thought to be due to its ability to boost nitric oxide and the activation of AMPK. It protects brain cells from damage due to low oxygen and low blood sugar as well as assisting the balance of sodium and potassium ions in cells thereby protecting the brain from oxidative stress. A study evaluated that neural cells were protected from beta-amyloid molecules {3}. Additionally its antioxidant enzyme activity protects brain cells from damage due to stress.
Gynostemma enhances antioxidant enzyme activity and reduces oxidative cell damage in animal studies {4}. This increases immune cell activity. Its actions have been seen to neutralise free radicals in cells and its ability to activate AMPK protects cells by boosting energy.

There are many more healing benefits to using this amazing herb. If you wish to know more contact us at Pure Elemental and speak with one of our qualified Naturopaths.

Cautions and Possible Side Effects:
It is recommended that Gynostemma is not taken with immune suppressing drugs as it make reduce their potency as it is an immune stimulant.
In addition it can increase blood flow which can increase the side effects of other drugs or supplements that slow blood clotting. These drugs would include aspirin, warfarin, diclofenac such as Voltaren, ibuprofen and naproxen.

How You Can Take Gynostemma:
1. As a tea. The therapeutic value of herbal teas are greater when the tea is brewed for longer periods of time. We recommend that you brew your tea for 10-20 minutes and then top it up with more hot water.
2. As a liquid herbal extract or in capsulated form. Speak to one of our experienced Naturopath’s for therapeutic prescribing of this wonderful herb.



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